The Municipality of Muíños is located in the southwest of the province of Ourense, in the Baixa Limia region, about 50 kilometres from the provincial capital. In 2022 it had a population of 1,400 inhabitants. It has an area of 109.56 square kilometres and, according to the Galician Institute of Statistics, has a degree of urbanisation of sparsely populated area.
It is part of the Limia-Arnoia Rural Development Group (RDG10).

Population and demographic structure
The population of Muíños continued to decline between 1991 and 2022, losing more than 900 inhabitants. In the last decade, the population has fallen by -20%, indicating a trend towards an overall loss of population. In terms of age groups, the population under 16 years of age was -53% lower, the working age population was -22% lower and the population over 64 years of age ws -143% lower.
The Tobal Dependency Ratio (TDR) showed a certain degree of stability, reaching 92.4% in 2022. These results were due to the evolution of the age groups experienced in Muíños, where the dependent population showed an important decrease, although not higher than the decrease registered in the group of people of working age, increasing the index throughout the period.

Population dynamics in Muíños.

Evolution of the total dependency ratio of Muíños, Ourense and Galicia.
The evolution of Gross Disposable Product (GDP) showed a different dynamic from the trends observed at provincial and regional level. Instead, between 2018 and 2020 it experienced a significant decline of -21.5%. However, the total GDP reached 11.14 million euros in 2020, which represents 0.2% of the provincial GDP and 0.02% of that of the Autonomous Community.
The Gross Disposable Income (GDI) remained fairly stable with an increase of 2.5% until 2007. There was then a change in trend until 2014, followed by a recovery with growth of 16%. In 2020, it decreased by -4% and the income stood at 10,672 €.
Using the registration of social security affiliations as an estimate of municipal employment, between 2011 and 2022 the total number of affiliations in Muíños decreased by -10%. In terms of sectors, the primary sector lost the most with -27%, followed by the secondary sector with -13%.
In 2022, Muíños had an activity rate of 63%. There was a notable increase in the employment rate to 58.4%. The unemployment rate fell by -6.5% between 2011 and 2022, reaching 11% in 2022.

Evolution of Gross Disposable Income per inhabitant in Muíños, Ourense and Galicia.

Evolution of employment, unemployment, and activity rates in the municipality of Muíños.
Energy resources
Muíños has a considerable energy endowment from renewable sources, specifically hydroelectric power. With an installed capacity of approximately 50 MW. However, diversification of renewable energy sources is essential to strengthen the energy resilience of the municipality and maximise its economic potential. The expansion of other forms of renewable energy, such as solar, wind or biomass, would not only help to reduce dependence on a single source, but could also generate new economic and employment opportunities in the area.
The electricity consumption of Muíños in 2023 has been estimated at almost 2,321.14 MWh. Residential consumption will be 1,304.60 MWh. The consumption of services, including municipal services, was 946.98 MWh. Industry consumed 69.56 MWh.
Muíños background
Muíños has constituted an energy community prior to participation in the EC4RURAL project. This is because the municipality is participating in a project to promote energy transition through the promotion of 12 Local Energy Communities (LEC) by the Provincial Council of Ourense. The aim is to install photovoltaic systems for self-consumption. So far, they have not chosen aspects such as location, power or energy distribution, but they are making progress, because in the framework of the EC4RURAL project, Muíños is forming the Local Energy Council (EPC), which will continue to take decisions on energy matters to promote the Rural Energy Community.