The EU initiative aims for consumers in rural areas to become communities of clean energy producers.

To ensure that the energy transition does not leave rural communities behind, a European programme has selected 22 Galician municipalities as a pilot area. The aim is to set up energy communities in these areas so that consumers are also producers of clean energy.

The promoters of the initiative point out that many Galician municipalities that are large energy producers still have a per capita income below the average.

They now want to promote clean energy and create energy communities where citizens benefit.

This initiative is led by the University of Vigo and count on the collaboration of rural development groups and municipalities.

To start the journey, they will set up in model villages such as Infesta, in Monterrei.

The European Union’s EC4RURAL project is funding this change of model: from consumers to “prosumers”, who consume and produce, in favour of a socially just transition.